Period 9 Displays
Period 9 Displays
Period 9 Windhorse
for magnificent success luck The Windhorse, the magical steed of King Gesar, is one of the most potent symbols of success. When one’s inner “lung ta” is at low levels, it is said that one’s inner windhorse is weak and...
The Magic Macaw
for wealth protection & preservation The Macaw is the guardian associated with the SOUTH, the Direct Spirit of Period 9, the Period into which we are now entering. The Direct Spirit of the current period brings enormous wealth and abundance...
The Lucky 9
for wealth & windfall luck As we are entering the new Period of 9, the number 9 takes on a very special significance. There is nothing that symbolises wealth better than the number of the current period. 9 becomes the...
Double 9 Plaque
for long-lasting longevity & good fortune This Double 9 Plaque features a pair of cranes, which symbolize aspiration, transformation, longevity and immortality. The number 9 is pronounced “Jiu” in Chinese, whose sound means long-lasting fortune and maximum level of happiness....
9 Magnificent Horses
This herd of 9 magnificent horses attracts positive energies into the home. Each horse is portrayed in a distinct posture representing the various aspects of the Horse’s most desirable traits. When displayed together, they collectively activate all the noble Horse's...