Three Legged Toads
Three Legged Toads
Dragon Carp Amulet
For scholastic success & career luckThe Dragon Carp represents the humble fish that turns into the mighty Dragon. Signifies the successful culmination of study and hard work. Excellent for those in school taking exams, and for those pursuing a career...
Gift of Gold - 3 Legged Toad
In the Chinese culture, wearing gold jewelry is believed to bring lots of good luck. And when the item includes auspicious symbols in the design, then the luck is multiplied. Wear an auspicious symbol in 18K gold to maximize your good...
Gift of Gold - 3 Legged Toad Pendant
In the Chinese culture, wearing gold jewelry is believed to bring lots of good luck. And when the item includes auspicious symbols in the design, then the luck is multiplied. Wear an auspicious symbol in 18K gold to maximize your good fortune....
3-Legged Toad "Always Rich" Amulet
Attracts wealth and prosperity luck in abundance! Carry to constantly enjoy income-attracting vibrations.
Weight: 40 gramsHeight: 8.5 cmDiameter: 4.5 cmMake: Alloy