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Sky Horse With Flag Of Success
This wonderful Sky Horse bearing the Flag of Success with Dakini Victory Amulet is the perfect enhancer for the Victory Star #1. The Horse represents strength, endurance, speed, power and courage, and most of all victory. This is no ordinary...
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Fire Dragon Holding Fireball to Suppress Quarrelsome & Conflict Energies (Small)
This Fire Dragon holding Ksidhigarbhas Fireball makes an excellent remedy for the #3 Quarrelsome Star. In 2024, the #3 star flies to the Center. This Fire Dragon in bright red holds Ksidigarbhas Fireball, an effective and extremely fast-acting cure for...
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Dragon Horse for Promotion Luck
The Dragon Horse or Chi Lin is the ultimate symbol of rank and promotion. Anyone aspiring towards higher and more powerful positions should tap the energies of the Dragon Horse. Place this noble celestial guardian in your living or work...
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Wealth Bull for Activating Immense Wealth & Big Auspicious
The Wealth Bull is a powerful sacred enlightened being who bestows blessings to those who invites its powerful presence into their homes. This beautiful bull brings heightened spiritual awareness to any situation and enables you to spot the big opportunities....
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Dragon Pi Xie for Prosperity Luck
The Dragon Pi Xie is closely associated with the Tai Sui and is famed for its ability to attract big wealth but more importantly, during times of uncertainty to prevent loss of wealth. The Dragon Pi Xie is a popular...
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Green Treasure Chest for Growing Money Luck
The Green Treasure Chest brings prosperity luck of a steadily growing kind. Those looking for an increase in salary, or wanting additional sources of income, or for their business and sales to continue to grow and expand, should fill a...
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Nine Phoenix Plaque
Displaying 9 Phoenixes is the best remedy against quarrelsome energies that may hover in the air. These bright golden celestial birds against a crimson sky brings together the two elements  Fire and Metal that work to subdue the troublesome #3...
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Activating Prosperity Tree
Another wonderful wealth enhancer for the North (2024) is the Activating Prosperity Tree. Wealth trees always represent growth, thus are perfect for energizing the Lap Chun energies of the year, and this year's specially designed tree comes adorned with many different symbols of good fortune. It...
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Dragon Carp for Study Luck
The carp that jumps over the Dragon Gate and successfully transforms into a Dragon is the best symbol of success for anyone aspiring to great scholastic success. It promotes the luck of education so students taking exams can achieve top...
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Dragon Tortoise for Success In Business
This powerful celestial guardian combines the courage of the Dragon with the steadfastness of the Tortoise. It promotes vitality and success in commercial pursuits. Promotes smooth sailing in all your undertakings and helps you overcome any obstacles you may face....
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Bejewelled Vasudhara - Goddess of Wealth and Abundance
This beautiful Vasudhara is the Goddess of Wealth and Abundance! Her name means "Stream of Gems" and is depicted with three faces, six arms and a beautiful golden orange body. Vasudhara brings abundant material and spiritual wealth, and helps you...
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Bejewelled Flying Windhorse
for magnificent success luckThe Windhorse, the magical steed of King Gesar, is one of the most potent symbols of success. When one’s inner “lung ta” is at low levels, it is said that one’s inner windhorse is weak and needs...
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Luo Han with Crab for Good Strategy & Business Luck
The Luo Han with Crab is one of the well-known 18 Chinese Saints who bring all forms of good fortune. This Luo Han depicted with a crab symbolizes formidable intellect, great strategy and the ability to rise up to high...
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Windhorse-Boosting Victory Flag
The #1 Victory Star flies into the East sector in 2024, benefitting all those born in year, as well as those living in houses facing East, or those whose bedroom or office is located in this sector. The Victory Star...
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Bejewelled White Tara
White Tara is the Goddess of Good Health and Longevity. In her white form, she appears specifically for the purpose of bestowing longevity. Known also as the “Goddess of Seven Eyes”, she eases suffering from sickness, poor health and disease,...
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Crimson Phoenix Vase
This is a Vase that signifies the storage of wealth and abundance within the family. In Chinese feng shui, the Vase has always been a firm favorite that is associated with inexhaustible abundance, hence its huge popularity in Chinese Placement...
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Bejewelled Vasudhara - The Goddess of Abundance
Our latest bejewelled collection features Vasudhara, the powerful orange-red Tara of abundance! Invite her into your home and give her a special place in Center location of your home. This beautiful Vasudhara is the Goddess of Wealth and Abundance! Her...
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Bejewelled Green Dzambala
He brings growth energy to all your commercial and investment pursuits and ensures that you make the best decisions on your wealth and investments. For career professionals and business owners, Green Dzambhala ensures that business partners and colleagues do not...
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Bejewelled Red Dzambala
Red Dzambhala brings excellent indirect wealth for those wishing to gain better financial prospects by marrying into money or gaining a wealthy benefactor. Red Dzambala also helps you maintain control over your finances and ensure that those working under you are equally...
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Bejewelled Ratnasambhava Buddha
Ratnasambhava Buddha (one of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas) is the head of Jewel Family. This Buddha is yellow in colour. He is in the South and his symbols is the jewel. He purifies all miserliness and greed. He removes obstacles...
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Bejewelled God of Wealth on Tiger
The God of Wealth, Tsai Shen Yeh, brings extremely auspicious money luck and prosperity into the household. He is often portrayed as a powerful being seated on a tiger with gold ingots. Place it in the North (2024) of your home to...
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Bejewelled Amoghasiddhi Buddha
Amoghasiddhi Buddha (one of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas) is the head of the Karma or Action Family. This Buddha is green in colour and his symbol is the Double Dorje. He resides in the North and destroys all jealousy and...
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Manjushri Wisdom Stupa with Stand
To boost learning and creativityManjushri is the Wisdom Buddha. Inviting him seated within his Wisdom Stupa imbues your home with countless blessings while boosting your prowess for good decision-making. This is an excellent Patron Deity to call on for anyone...
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Red Windhorse for Success Luck
The Red Windhorse is an excellent symbol of strengthening your Lung Ta which is directly related to your Career Success luck!This magical horse brings renewed strength and resolve and increases focus and clarity of thought and brings the energy of...

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