Year of the Water Rabbit

ONLINE from Friday 2nd Dec till Sunday 4th Dec 2022

The most important time of year for the feng shui practitioner is the start of the year, when the energies change, when the stars that influence the luck patterns of all homes, workplaces and individuals shift positions, and when the year’s various charts give us clues to the general themes and tone to come.

The best thing about knowing what to expect from the year is being able to make the most of it. When you understand the luck patterns the year will bring, you can plan better, dodge afflictions, and be properly prepared to take advantage of the opportunities coming your way.

Message from Lillian Too & Team

LILLIAN TOO’S FENG SHUI EXTRAVAGANZA enters its 27th year and this December, we continue with our new tradition of running this event online, to reach as many of our friends around the world as possible. This year’s edition brings back all the BENEFITS of having this NOT-TO-BE-MISSED event beamed directly into your homes…

  • Option to rewatch all videos to make sure you DO NOT MISS anything!
  • 2023 CURES & ENHANCERS at exclusive discounted prices!
  • FREE DELIVERY to your doorstep for purchases above a certain level
  • Exclusive FREE GIFTS for participants of this event!
  • Downloadable FREE PDF Extravaganza Guide for 2023
2023 is the Year of the Water Rabbit. This is an animal of diplomacy but also an animal of flight. While the Rabbit is often considered a docile creature, it can also bare its teeth!

This Rabbit, while a lot less fierce than the Tiger of last year, is unlikely to be the docile, domesticated kind.The year’s chart continues to be extremely unbalanced, indicating REMEDIES are needed to ensure one can enjoy the VERY BEST that the year has to offer.

The good news? This is a year ripe with WEALTH, full of OPPORTUNITY and with STRONG GROWTH LUCK. 2023 also features some very auspicious stars that can help massively when activated.

In this weekend Extravaganza, LEARN HOW TO…

  • Activate the WEALTH LUCK of 2023
  • Overcome the year’s LACK OF RESOURCES
  • Make the most of USEFUL ALLIANCES in 2023
  • Safeguard your HEALTH
  • Protect against loss and other dangers
  • Maintain a healthy BANK BALANCE
  • Prepare for the coming PERIOD of 9
Journey with us through the coming year’s most important astrological charts and join us as we share invaluable insights on how to interpret them, how to maximise the good fortune indications, and how to start preparing for the coming PERIOD OF 9.

2023 is a year with GREAT POTENTIAL & WEALTH TO BE MADE, but it is also one with AFFLICTIONS that need to be REMEDIED!

BOOK YOUR ONLINE TICKET and see you on the 2nd, 3rd & 4th December 2022!!!

Click here to BOOK your SPOT!
2nd - 4th December 2022 (Online for 3 Days)

Ticket Price:
US$28 from 16th November 2022


Also available at:
  • All World of Feng Shui Boutiques
  • Northpoint
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