Lillian Too's Feng Shui Extravaganza 2024

Year of the Wood Dragon
ONLINE from Friday 1st Dec till Sunday 3rd Dec 2023
Welcoming Period of 9, the Period of Fire.
The coming year is a landmark year because it marks a big shift in energy as we enter the new Period of 9. The feng shui calendar is divided up into time periods of twenty years, each of which takes its name from one of the numbers 1 to 9, adopting the attributes of the corresponding ruling trigram of the period.
On Feb 4th 2024, we leave behind the Period of 8, a time period ruled by the grounded and stable energy of Earth, and we enter into the Period of 9, the volatile and unpredictable period of Fire.

Fire is an element that is bright and brilliant, but it is also one that can burn out control if it is not managed. Along with the change of period, the meanings of the various star numbers also transform, some taking on totally new guises, bringing new kinds of luck.
While this change of period can bring upheavals, it can also bring fortune and new opportunity. Because it is such a big change, it is vital to understand the characteristics of this new period, in order to harness everything and all the best that it has to offer.
That we enter this new Period of 9 in a Dragon Year is highly significant.
In this year’s Feng Shui Extravaganza therefore, our focus will be sharing with everything you need to do to first stay protected and safeguard what you have, then turn your sights to harvesting everything the year and beyond has to offer.
Join us and learn how to:
- Safeguard your wealth and assets
- Stay protected against misfortune and disasters
- Spot new opportunities for wealth creation
- Protect your health and well-being
- Cultivate current and new relationships
- Build alliances that are beneficial for you
- Adjust your feng shui to get the very best from the new Period of 9
We wish you all the very best as always, and look forward to seeing you all at our online event in December!
Lillian, Jennifer, Phillip & Han JinSIGN UP TODAY for EARLY BIRD PRICING!
BOOK YOUR ONLINE TICKET and see you on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd December 2023!!!